QUTE.sk will help to involve individual research teams in excellent international consortia, which will subsequently bring new opportunities and, last but not least, financial resources for further research.



QUTE.sk – Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies

Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia


+421 904 507 697

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Opening the door to Quantum Technologies: Highlights from our Open Day

During a week from November 11th – 15th, the QUTE Pavilion of the Slovak Academy of Sciences opened its doors to … the World of Quantum Technologies. With a diverse group of visitors, including elementary and high school students, the event highlighted cutting-edge research and the technologies.

Every morning, students attended engaging talks in our auditorium, where they learned not only about quantum technologies, but also about other topics such a space, stars and black holes. Presentations by Mário Ziman and Andrej Liptaj from IP SAS provided an excellent starting point for visitors before diving into more interactive experiences during lab tours.

For younger students, the hands-on demonstration of real 2-qubit quantum computer was a clear favorite. Lead by Daniel Buchta from Aricoma, they explored the basics of qubits and quantum mechanics, seeing firsthand how this portable system operates and how quantum computing might influence future technologies.

High school students and teachers particularly enjoyed the lab tours, where they were introduced to advanced equipment. Guided by Peter Rapčan and Younes Banemara they observed the SNSPD detectors (Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector), which is essential for single-photon detection and plays a crucial role in our Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) experiments. In addition, they had the chance to see the QKD setup in action, gaining insight into how secure communication protocols are implemented in practice. The tour also featured our cryogenic system capable of reaching ultra-low temperatures, lower then elsewhere in the universe, required for quantum experiments, and the optical table, where a high-energy laser and Sagnac loop enable the generation of entangled photons for quantum communication.

The event also highlighted our skQCI project, which is developing Slovakia’s quantum communication network. Visitors learned about the integration of trusted nodes, a key component for enabling secure quantum links between our Lab at IPSAS and Slovakia National Laser Center in Mlynská Dolina, Bratislava.

The Open Day offered a valuable opportunity to showcase our work and engage with the public, demonstrating the potential of quantum technologies in a practical and accessible way and we were delighted by the interest and enthusiasm shown by all attendees. From inspiring the next generation of scientists to sparking interest in quantum technologies, the event underscored the importance of making advanced science accessible to all.



Diana Cencer Garafová

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